Day Twenty-Four

Today, I am thankful for the kind thoughts of my students. I woke up this morning without a voice. Everyone who has lost their voice knows how painful speaking can be. Bless their hearts, my students listened carefully and even offered me advice on how to cure my sore throat. The best one I got was hot honey lemon tea. I have heard of variations on this theme, but I don't recall ever giving it a try. When I got home, I decided to give it a shot. My recipe goes as follows:
1. cup hot double spice chai tea, black.
2. a slice of lemon steeped alongside the tea.
3. remove the teabag and lemon, add in a bit of honey.
4. stir and enjoy
The drink is quite soothing. Whether it works or not, I will keep drinking it. So, props to my students and their home remedies!


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