Have to Have Heels and Valentine in the Bible

I don't normally wear heels, simply because they bother me. I'm not a fan of the click-clacky sound or the elevation. Despite that, I have two pairs that I save for very specially occasions. For today's fashion challenge, I put on a pair.

3/4 Sleeve Striped Sweater: Maurice's
Watermelon Pink Layering Tank: Maurice's
Skirt: Junee's
Oxford Heels: Gift
Striped Headband: Claire's
Valentine's Day Earrings: Claire's

(Even though I'm not a big fan of heels, the purple plaid design and oxford style of the heels I find to be quite classy).

These Valentine's Day earrings feature a ring, love, and a couple of hearts.

Our song leader did a fun trivia fact today. Did you know that Valentine's is in the Bible. Take a look.

For God so loVed the world
that he gAve
his onLy
bEgotten Son that whosoever
believeth iN him
Shall noT
perIsh but
have eterNal

John 3:16
That verse is the ultimate description of God's Love.


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