First Impressions

When I was living abroad, I was one of the few who looked different. Physically I stood out. I was plump, pale skinned, and I had blonde hair. Someone who looks like me, cannot hide easily, especially in Asia. I got a lot of stares, a lot requests to have my photo taken with people passing me on the street or sitting next to me on the subway. At first it made me uncomfortable, then a friend reminded me that I might be the first and only foreigner they will ever meet. If I am the only foreigner they will ever meet, then I have a huge responsibility to behave in a manner that would break down the stereotype of the "rude American." How I chose to act would leave a permanent impression on them and perhaps future generations. I was thinking about this in comparison to our spiritual lives. Do our walks make us stand out from the rest of the population?

What do our walks, our lifestyles, say about us? Imagine with me that you may be the only Christian the person in front of you at the grocery store ever meets. Are your manners, speech, and dress playing into the stereotype that Christians are stuffy, judgmental or "haters"? Would your behavior lead them to Christ or push them away? These are questions that I have to constantly remind myself of every day.

If I desire to leave behind a first impression that blesses those around me, that directs them to Christ, I need to spend my time dwelling in Christ. I need to use words that bless and never curse, and I must care for others as he did, I must value what he values, and above all I must rely upon the strength of God the Father. For none of this can be achieved without dwelling in and upon the Lord. I want to leave a better impression on those around me. I desire to live in a manner which is holy and please to God. How about you?

Here are my outfits for days 11 and 12. I skipped day twelve on the list (black and white chic) and moved on the day 13, as I had nothing in black and white that could be considered chic. Everything is either too casual or would make me look like a waitress at a high end Italian Restaurant. (No offense to those of you who are waitresses).

Day 11: Feminine Floral
My floral print is found entirely in the scarf I wore. The deep plum of the flowers stood out against the navy blue of the sweater I wore. I then paired it with a plum colored layering tank and plaid shoes. I completed the ensemble with a pair of pink rose earrings.

Navy Blue Shirt Sweater- JCP Plum Lace Layering Tank- Maurice's Rhombus Black Skirt- The Skirt Outlet Plaid Shoes- Gift
Floral Scarf- Maurice's Rose Earrings- Naughty Kitty

Day 12/13: Plaid or Checkered- I went mad for plaid.
I did a combination of red, pink, and peach for yesterday's outfit. Again, I wore my plaid in the form of a scarf and topped of the ensemble with a cute headband and some Valentine's Day earrings.

Peach Cardigan- Maurice's 3/4 Red Sleeve Tee- Apostolic Clothing Apricot Sizzle Lace Tank- Maurice's Black Western Style Skirt- Style J Black Boots- Maurice's Black Tights- Emart Valentine's Day Earrings- Claire's Headband- Claire's


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