R is for Ruts

We all get into ruts sometimes. We get into the groove of life that our wardrobes follow along with us. Eventually we snap out of our grooves and we realize that after weeks, months, or even years our style hasn’t changed one iota. Snapping out of a rut and breaking style habit or even changing a portion of our style is one way to help break out of a style rut.
Here’s a how:

Do a style challenge. A style challenge, which abounds galore on Instagram, allows you to use what you already have in your closet but gets you to wear them in a whole new way.

Create a Mood Board. I have one on my Pinterest account. Here, I collect images of not just clothing that I like, but color palettes that appeal to me, textural pictures and aesthetics. Anything that appeals to me, in someway shape or form, I post to my mood board. This gives me a physical and technological location where I can draw inspiration from.

Inpsiration. Who or what inspires you. Remember the letter I post? I is for inspiration. Is there a person or person who inspires you or whose style you have always wanted to emulated? Give it a try.

Try something new. Is there a trend you have always wanted to try but haven’t? Do it. Go to a store, try on a couple of trends for the sake of trying. Trying on doesn’t mean you have to buy, but it gives you the chance to see yourself in something different. And if you like it, that’s an added bonus.


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