P is for Proportions

We’ve all heard phrases like “short body”, “long legs”, “long body”, “short legs.” With very little guess work we can figure out what each of these phrases means. We can guess as well which one we might fit into. Three are three major categories that you can fit into: long legs/short body, short legs/long body, or evenly proportioned with a short midsection.
How do you figure out which proportion is yours and what your proportion measurements are?

You will need a pen and paper, and a cloth measuring tape.

1.Measure from the top of your head to your chin.
2.Measure from your chin to mid bust.
3.Measure from mid bust to your natural waist
4.Measure from natural waist to your leg break (where the leg meets the body)
5.Measure from leg break to knee cap.
6.Measure from knee cap to the sole of your foot.

Did you write those all down? Good. We’re not done yet. There are still two more measurements to make.

1.Top of head to the leg break.
2.Leg break to the sole of you foot.

Got those. Good. Now it’s time to do some comparisons. Look at the measurements from your head to your leg break and your leg break to the bottom of your foot. Which one is longer?

If your head to leg break is longer, you have a long body a short legs.

If your head to leg break is short, you have a short body and long legs.

Not all women will fit into either of these categories. Its actually more common for women to fit into the third and final category: balanced with a short mid section.

How do you know if you fit into these categories? Easy.

1.Look at your measurements from the top of your head to your bust line and compare them to the measurements from mid-knee to the sole of your foot. Are they same?

2.Look at the measurements from your bust line to leg break and leg break to mid knee? Are they the same yet smaller in number compared to the other measurements (head to bust, knee to foot)?

Yes to both? Congratulations you now have a balance body with a short mid section.


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