E is for Elegant

Despite what feminism is pushing on the public right now, every woman grows up with the desire to feel and be beautiful. We were created that way. Somewhere along the way some of us lose the desire to feel beautiful. That should never be the case. Being beautiful and elegant is the right of every woman from the size 0 to the size 30.
Every woman, regardless of size, should have pieces in her wardrobe that make her feel elegant and feminine.
For me, I feel the most elegant when I am wearing something truly beautiful and shiny. A beautiful shimmery skirt, like this one from seventwodenimoutlet.com, fits the bill.

Even when I am wearing a stripped tee with this skirt, I feel all lady in this skirt.
Other elegant pieces you can add to your wardrobe are: heels, shimmery blouse, a modern white oxford shirt, a trench coat, a fabulous pair of flats, a beautifully tailored black dress, and a classic cut cardigan or blazer.

some of my favorite places to find trench coats are from



Some of my favorite places to find modest little black dresses are from:






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