My Favorite Fall 2017 Color Combinations

After my last fall inspired post on why your fall wardrobe should be the backbone of your wardrobe, I began to think of several of my favorite fall color combinations. I love the fall colors that Pantone has developed this year. However, there are some colors that did not make the list that I have seen popping up all over the place. Colors like gold and rust. There are also classic colors like camel and olive that did not need to be on the list, because they are such common and staples of the season. As I began to select my favorite color combinations for this season, I went less with what was popular and more with what I found to be seasonally fitting and fitting for my personality. I created a list of six color combinations for this fall that I absolutely adore.

Olive and Pink: Olive and pink are a hot color combination right now. The softness of pink adds a sweet and feminine touch to the often rich and sometimes masculine color.

Camel and Burgundy: These colors on their own are rich, sweet, gentle, and sophisticated. Together, these colors are sophisticated, bold, and feminine. They are perfect for work, and when paired with denim, create a dressy-casual look.

Rust and Teal: Rust is earthy and strong. It also happens to be very popular color for this year. Teal is generally a popular color during fall and winter. The coolness of teal balances out the warmth of rust, which creates a vibrant and bold ensemble when combined.

Rust and Gold: Rust and gold are a rich, bold, and elegant color combination. While not a popular color combination that is hitting the fashion world, but it is one of my favorites. It often reminds me of autumn sunsets. The warmth of both colors plays well off of one another.

Pumpkin Orange and Teal: Pumpkin is always popular during the fall; whether you are drinking it, decorating with it, or scenting your home with it. Why not wear it? Pumpkin orange is often the focal point of most outfits and paired with a neutral. There is nothing wrong with that, but why not color block it? When wearing pumpkin, I love to pair it with dark teal. The combination of pumpkin and teal is what many would call a wild card pairing; it is perfect and unexpected.

Pumpkin Orange and Olive: If you don’t quite feel up to a wild card pairing, it is perfectly acceptable to go with a pairing that is more traditional. I love the look of pumpkin orange with olive green. It is earthy, and simple. I especially love the look when it is accented with gold either in an accessory or with accents on a tee shirt.

What are your favorite color combinations for this fall?


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