Top 5 Fashion Must Haves

Every fashion loving woman has a list of her must haves for the year or for that particular season. Sometimes it is both. Take a gander at any fashion blog –personal or professional- or any fashion magazine like In Style or Vogue and you will see their list of fashion must haves for each season. I even have my list of fashion must haves; five of them to be more precise. These five items are essential to me. However, some of my items may surprise you.

5. Structured Jackets. This one may come as a no brainer to those who read my blog or follow me on Instagram. I love a good structured jacket. Whether it is a causal denim jacket or a blazer, if it has structure it simply makes me feel more put together and more polished.

4. Layers. With the thinning of fabrics and the increased sheerness of blouses, layering tanks, camisoles, and tees are necessary to keep one looking good and modest at the same time. I have a collection of quite a few layering pieces: from dressier lace camisoles, to cotton tank tops, and tees in a variety of lengths from short to ¾ to long sleeves.

3. Perfume. While you can be dressed to the nines you will never look good if you do not smell good either. (That’s my rule). Dressing well simply means that you take the effort to have good hygiene. Wear deodorant. Please, wear deodorant. Then add a spritz of perfume. I happen to love the seasonal scents that Bath and Body Works has. Right now, my favorite go to scent is Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin.

2. A Healthy Smile. Orphan Annie was right when she said “you are never truly dressed without a smile.” Keep those pearly whites pearly. Keep your breath fresh. Beyond just brushing my teeth, I carry a pack of gum in my purse for those just in case moments.

1.Tide to Go. As a pre school teacher, I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten paint, lunch, snack, glue, dirt, slime, playdo, food coloring, etc on me. While some of these items may not stain, several others do. Or they leave behind some form of nasty residue. Enter the Tide to Go Pen. This little pen has saved my wardrobe from the effects of irreversible stains more times than I can count. It doesn’t take away the fact that you need to wash the clothing item, but it is effective in stain removal when you are in a pinch. I carry one in my purse at all times, and I think that every girl should too.


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