
Our God is one of amazing creation. In six days He created the world and all that is in it. In those six days He created humanity. He created the miracle of life. Everything He created and still creates is incredibly beautiful. Including you.
The media does a wonderful job touting beauty as a particular way we must look, a particular style we must wear, a behavior we must mimic, a size we must attain, and a weight we must maintain. We spend our time flipping through advertisements, scrolling through Pinterest, and casting glances at each other, comparing ourselves to our peers. We torture ourselves with eating disorders and insecurity, constantly wondering if we are pretty enough, thin enough, or good enough. This isn't what God had in mind when He created us.
At one point in our lives we have all suffered with insecurity. We have all wondered if we are pretty enough. My dear ones, if you are struggling with this, I want to share a few things with you.

1. You were hand crafted by God. Genetically speaking, you bear the resemblance of your mother and father. However, those particular physical attributes which you have were specifically chosen by God. You may have your mother's eyes and your father's smile. That was chosen by God. You may have your father's hair, and your mother's personality. That was also chose by God. God created DNA. He uses this science (the science He created) to "knit you together in your mother's womb." Psalm 139: 13.

2. You are wonderful. Of the close to 7 billion people on this planet, there is only one you. That is wonderful. It is so easy for us to stand back and in view of a mountain range and praise God for his miraculous creation. Yet, the moment we look into a mirror, we easily spurn it. If God looks upon the creation of the world and say that "it is good" (Genesis 1: 31), then He most certainly looks upon you and says the very same. You, dear one, are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14.

3. God Loves you more than anything and anyone. He sent His only Son to save you, so you could spend eternity with Him. (John 3:16). It is His desire that no one should perish, but that we should all reach repentance and salvation (2 Peter 3:9). If He did not love us, then the path of salvation would not exist for us. He cares for us, providing all of our needs (Matthew 6). His plans for us are good (Jer. 29:11). God's deep, unconditional, love for us is constantly pursuing us, wooing us back to Him. His love for us will never cease, even when we stumble.

4. You are unique; embrace it. I am so grateful that there is only one you. I am so grateful that each and everyone one of us is different and has their own unique style and personality. It has taken me years to realize this. When I was younger, I wanted to be everyone else. I hated how I looked. I hated my hair, I hated my body type. I hated they way I dressed. I would have given anything to look like my favorite singer or actresses. I would have given anything to look like the prettiest and most popular girl at school. Every time I went in for a haircut or went shopping I would go armed with idea or a picture of what I wanted to look like. I was always sorely disappointed with how I looked.
My personality became more like a chameleon. I could easily change how I acted around certain people, just to get them to like me. If I wasn't changing my personality, I would completely shut down. Too afraid, too ashamed to speak. Again, I was never happy. I always felt fake.
Why? Because, at that time, I cared more about the attention and thoughts of people than I did for the opinion of God. I was too afraid to admit that my favorite book was (is still) War and Peace. I was too afraid to admit that I love bluegrass (No really, I do. I really, really do). I was too ashamed to admit that the reason I didn't have a boyfriend was because I was ( and still very much am) waiting for God to send me the one.
Our personalities, our likes and dislikes, are shaped by the One who made us. They are continually shaped by our daily walk with Him. It took my a long while to accept this and to realize that I should never have to change who I am just to impress others. I should always change myself out of a conviction from my Heavenly Father, in order to grow closer to Him. He is the only one who is worth the change.
Embrace the likes and dislikes your Heavenly Father has given to you. Embrace the fabulous lifestyle your Heavenly Father has called you to.

5. Embrace your style. I follow quite a few fashion blogs. I love fashion. It's fun. I love perusing the blogs I follow to see what awesome combinations these ladies design. While I admire their style, I don't try to copy it. I may apply a few techniques here or there, but I don't want to be a complete copy cat. Why? It isn't me. What looks good and works well on one young lady, won't look good on another, and visa versa. While one of my friends can look stunning in a long floral print dress, I'm too short. Patterned dresses and maxi skirts swallow me whole. While Lauren over at can rock a pencil skirt, my figure can't. However, I can rock a layered sweater skirt with boots in the winter, where another young lady may not.
Some may wonder why I don't spend more time on my professional wardrobe. I don't because I'm a casual girl at heart. Give me lace tanks, plain tees, and jean skirts with a pair of chuck taylors any day. If I'm not rocking the chucks, I'm rocking my knock off Toms. Generally speaking, I wear khaki and gray denim skirts to work Monday through Wednesday and then super dark wash denim skirts Thursday and Friday.
Why don't I wear more dresses? To me they are a bit formal. For jean skirt and tee shirt kind of girl, that's stretching me a bit. However, I'm taking baby steps with the denim jumper I recently acquired.
I love cardigans, scarves, and wacky earrings. Others don't care for such things. You know what? That's totally awesome.
When it comes to your wardrobe, only you now what works best for you. Dress, first and foremost to please, God. Yet, at the same time dress so that you are comfortable. Just because you dress to please God doesn't mean you have to be plain, boring, or have a love for cardigans. If you're style is more bohemian or leather and lace. Girl, dress to please God in your peasant skirts and leather jackets. If you think simple stud earrings suit you better than taco shaped earrings, girl you rock those simple studs.

My dear ones, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. From your head to your toes you were hand crafted by God and He poured into you your unique style and personality, as He poured out His great love for you over your life. Remember dear sisters, that whatever it is you do, do it all for the glory of God (Colossians 3:17,23).


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