Wonderrful Treasure Find

My church is having a fall revival this week. Sadly, I could only attend last nights no thanks to my work schedule. During our worship time, we sang a hymn I had never sung before called "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood." The song sent tingles all over my arms and back when we sang it. If you are not familiar with the language of the Christian Faith, the lyrics seem rather macabre. However, they were the most beautiful words I had ever sung, read, or heard in a long time.
Look at the first verse: "There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."
When was the last time you accidently nicked yourself cooking, opening a box, or were on the receiving end of a nasty paper cut? The blood on Band-Aids, or the drops of blood that land on our clothing leave stains that are next to impossible to remove. Yet, in Heaven's economy our Savior's blood does the opposite. It is the ultimate stain remover. It ransomed us from the evil one and it cleanses us making us whole and spotless in the sight of our Savior.
Wow. This hymn says it all and has become my new favorite and I wager it will be for many years to come. It is a blessed and unexpected reminder of God's immense power and love for me, which I am apt to forget and leave unappreciated from time to time. This hymn is definitely a wonderful treasure find for me this week. Here's the link, if you would care to listen to it.


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