
Here's a little recap from the past week. A week ago Friday, my family and I went to the County Fair. The following Monday thru Friday the LCSC IIE program held their annual multi-cultural fair. As an ESL tutor in the IIE Department I got to assist with several of the activities. Last week I also sat down with my boss to discuss extending my contract through the month of November, as we are getting about fifteen to thirty students from Mexico. What a blessing that has been! I will be a temporary ESL Instructor and teaching Intermediate Reading, Writing, Composition and Literature.

The County Fair:

The Multi-Cultural Fair:

These drawings (top and bottom) are called Bogolan, which is mud cloth and a traditional clothing item from Mali. The cloth is painted with a mud and dye mixture and left to dry. Then the mud is washed away and the dye and design stays.
Our Mali display board. The day of the fair was a bit gusty, so we had to lay our poster board down. Even with the wind it was a fabulous day!


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