
I was watching a documentary the other day. Like most of the documentaries that I watch this was all about history, more specifically, the history of the Royal Wardrobe in England. It covered the wardrobe from the Tudors to the current Queen of England. Narrator, Dr. Lucy Worsely, mentioned how the clothing the ruling monarchs wore had the power to make or break them. The massive gowns worn by Queen Elizabeth the First reinforced her majesty. The outlandish and expensive outfits of the Stewarts turned their frugal subjects against them. The simple outfits of the Hanovors inspired and influenced their subjects. Fast forward to the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries the same applies to the current British Royal Family. When Queen Elizabeth the Second made a diplomatic trip to Japan she wore mauve, which is the royal color of Japan. This simple act made a huge impact on people of Japan. They loved her for it. A fashion stylist, interviewed by Dr. Worsely, noted that the Queen of England's style had remained unchanged throughout her reign. She and her stylists had created a simple, tasteful, and timeless look. While I watched this documentary two things stood out:
1. What you wear will make or break you
2. Timeless appearance
The more I thought about these things in conjunction with our spiritual lives two more things jumped out:
1. The things we think, say, do, and wear will make or break our witness.
2. There is a timeless appearance that all Christians ought to wear.

First, the things we thing will eventually manifest themselves through our words and deeds. If we profess Christ, we need to live it. The worst thing we can do for the Kingdom of God is to live double lives. That makes us lukewarm,, if not cold, to God. The Bible makes it clear what God thinks of people who are not productive in their faith. Just look at John 15:2 and Revelation 3:16. But what does our attire have to do with this. Clothing was designed to cover our bodies, because our bodies are the temple of the Lord. We should use clothing to bring honor and glory to Him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-4). It should be respectable and match the hidden person of the heart.

2. Our wardrobe should match the hidden person of the heart. There is a timeless attitude that Galatians 5:22-23 adheres to walking a Christ like walk. It is an eternal appearance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Such an attitude attracts people, believers and unbelievers to the person of Christ. Such attitudes builds bridges. Walking the walk starts with the heart. While we may not care about wardrobes of the current British Monarchs, we are representatives of the Heavenly Father. On this earth our behavior will make or break our witness and that effects where our peers spend eternity. Obtaining the timeless attitudes of Galatians 5:22-23 will effect how we think, and in turn how we speak, act, and eventually, how we dress. We will make a huge impact on the world when we really live out these timeless attitudes.


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