My Favorite New Reads of 2019

I’ve been silent on my blog for a while; a good long while. What have I been up to? Working and reading. Like any good assistant librarian, I have had my nose in a multitude of books. Who doesn’t love a good book anyhow? I know I do, and I love having a nice big pile of books to select from. I thought I’d take a break from writing about fashion to share some of my recent favorite reads that have recently been released.

1.Chocolate Cream Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke. I am a rather big fan of Joanne Fluke’s Hannah Swenson series. Her recent addition to the series picks up from where she left off in Raspberry Danish Murder, with the return of Ross and his shady past. This book is a page turner from start to finish.

2.The Mermaid and Mrs. Hannock by Imogen Hermes Gowar. A piece of historical fiction set in Mid 18th Century London brings together a twist of history and fantasy, when a struggling merchantman is gifted with a bizzare mermaid from the East, which turns his fortunes, but leaves him with an obsession for more of what the mermaid can offer.

3.Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield. Along the mouth of the Thames River lies a humble Inn called the Swan. One night a wounded photographer brings in the body of nameless four year girl. Believed to be dead a nurse is summoned, but when the little girl miraculously comes back to life, but her ability to speak has vanished. In the awe of the girl’s miraculous recovery, three families- an elderly farmer, an impoverished single woman, and a wealthy landowner, all claim the child is theirs. It is up to the photographer who founder and the nurse who healed her to determine who the little girl belongs to, if she belongs to anyone at all.

4.The 71/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. A phenomenal cross between Inception, Groundhog’s Day, and Agatha Christie. Aiden Bishop is trapped in 8 different bodies over the course of 8 days; reliving the same day. The only hope of escape is to solve the murder of Evelyn Hardcastle.


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