Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." (ESV)

One of my favorite classical music pieces is Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." Many would easily recognize the bright and bubbly Spring Movement. For a while it was quite popular for wedding preludes. The concept of the entire piece is to show case the beauty of nature in each special season. From the bright, bubbly pep of the Spring Movement; the bright, warm tones of the Summer Movement; the gentle, soothing notes of Autumn; to the harsh, bold swells of Winter. Vivaldi knew that each season was different, each season was unique, and you could not have one season without the other.

We too experience a multitude of seasons. We experience everything from joy and sorrow to pleasure and pain. We go through periods of abundance and want, employment and unemployment. Just as we cannot have the new life of spring without the death of winter, we cannot experience the good without the bad.

Praise be to God that this is not the end of the matter. Our God is the master builder who designs and shapes each season of our lives. He is constantly working to mold and shape the pattern of our very lives to make us all that He has created us to be. To grow our character and deepen our faith. Even when life seems out of control we can rest assured God is more than capable to turn what is bad, what was meant for bad, and to weave it into our good (Romans 8:28).

In each season we experience in nature we can find something to be thankful for. The same applies to our own lives. Even when we are faced with trials, temptations, and low moments in our faith, in all things we must give thanks (1 Thess. 5:18). For, in the bad there is still a nugget of hope and grace shining through. We can look back on all the hard times we have faced in the past and thank God for seeing us through, and in turn thank God that He will see us through again.

In each season of your life, trust Him explicitly. He has our very best in mind. He desires for us to experience His very best for our lives. There is life in our Lord, who will provide for us (John 14:1,27; Matthew 6:25-34). In each season of life surrender everything to Him. Give him your joys, you tears, your desires, and anxieties. Hand it all over to him, because he cares for you! (1 Peter 5: 6-7).


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